UR Dragons

Tier List

Many Shots
0 Shots


6 Star Comparison

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0 Star Comparison

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6 Star Comparison

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0 Star Comparison

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Strongest from left to right

Melinda is only available in China currently.
Upcoming dragons not included:  Aoling


The dragon released on the first anniversary of the game. It’s very strong for kiting because of shield regen and some self heal with auto firing. Best suited for maps with no red shots. Close in on single boss, play far in crowded mobs.

There are 5 bugs on the release with Asia:

  1. (Intended) Thorns 4 piece set bonus & Medea’s Combo Blessing don’t work.
  2. (Fixed 15 Aug) CD for [Dormant] didn’t reduce on absorbing shots.
  3. (Fixed 15 Aug) [Rune Spirit] continues to lock on for some monsters after they die.
  4. (Intended) Ice Resist reduction from [Zero Degree] did not seem to increase DMG because Resist cannot go below 0.
  5. (Intended) Some debuffs e.g. Ember’s Heartthrob and Fire of Desire don’t trigger Baldur’s Combo Blessing [Inspiring Anthem]
Battle Skills

Reawaken Divinity
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Inspiring Anthem  
After inflicting any elemental effect, that element +(45+4x)% Elem DMG and Elem Effect DMG for 12s

Frontline Triumph
After dealing DMG, +(1.5+0.2%) additional DMG for 6s and regenerate (2+0.2x%) faster. Stack up to 10 times.

Honor’s Encouragement
[Rune Spirit] +(18+3x%) DMG

Urgent Call
+(20+4x)% DMG. [Zero Degree] +(20+4x)% DMG.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Devotee Worship

  • DMG +30%.
  • Baldur enters battle with 9 [Rune Spirit], they automatically prioritize firing [Frigid Ray] at the highest threat target.
  • Fire [Frigid Ray] every 0.8s, deal 105% DMG
  • During [Non-Guardian] state, up to 3 [Rune Spirit] can lock onto the same target.
  • Each [Rune Spirit] can store 8 [Frigid Ray]. Each [Frigid Ray] is restored every 2s. When all [Frigid Ray] are consumed, that [Rune Spirit] becomes [Dormant] for 6s to stop attacking and reload.
  • All blessings will add Elem DMG to [Rune Spirit]. Rotation speed of  proportionately affects [Rune Spirit] ASPD.

Blessing 3: Absolute Zero

  • Each shot absorbed by Baldur reduces [Rune Spirit]’s [Dormant] duration by 0.3s. generation efficiency will proportionately reduce [Dormant] duration.
  • 10% chance to inflict [Freeze] and [Zero Degree] for 4s when dealing DMG.
  • When inflicting [Zero Degree], restore 30% shield to Baldur.
  • [Zero Degree] deals 30%  DMG every 0.5s and can stack up to 5 times.
  • When enemies with [Zero Degree] dies, deal 20% DMG per stack to a small AoE around it.

Blessing 4: Aurora Dawn

  • [Rune Spirit] are in [Non-Guardian] state by default.
  • [Aurora Circle] borders around Baldur (size of  orbit radius).
  • Any enemy that stays within this [Aurora Circle] for 0.8s or longer, [Aurora Circle] area +50%, [Rune Spirit] enters [Guardian] state, and proritize those targets and firing [Frigid Ray] at 2x ASPD but at 50% DMG.
  • [Rune Spirit] will return to [Non-Guardian] state when there are no enemies within [Aurora Circle] after 1s or if all [Frigid Ray] are used up. [Rune Spirit] cannot enter [Guardian] state after changing state for 3s.
1 [Zero Degree] +20% DMG and reduces target Resist by 4% per stack.
2 [Rune Spirit] inflict 1 more stack of [SubZero] when dealing DMG
3 [Reawaken Divinity] and [Inspiring Anthem] Blessings +2 Level
4 [Rune Spirit] stores up to 10 [Frigid Ray] and they do +20% DMG
5 [Frontline Triumph] and [Honor’s Encouragement] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Rune Spirit] in [Guardian] deal 80% DMG instead of 50%. Restore 10% of lost HP when returning to [Non-Guardian] state.

Ultimate Skill: Snowfield Utopia (200SP)
Casts a frost domain for 8s, that does 100% DMG to targets within the AoE every second. When those targets take DMG that is not from this skill, deal 400% DMG (CD: 1s for each target). At theend, frost domain collapses and deals 2400% DMG to all targets on screen. When using Baldur, frost domain deals DMG equal to 20% of Max HP to all units (cap at 1000% ATK) and reloads all [Rune Spirit]’s [Frigid Ray]

1 Ulti +15% DMG
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Baldur, +40% DMG during Ulti duration
4 Ulti +15% DMG
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Ulti duration +2s. When using Baldur, +80% DMG during Ulti duration


Aoyan is currently the best of the best Tier S Dragonforms, especially for Main Story, Guild Conquest and most game modes filled with red shots. Aoyan can still decently perform in no shots environment through her [Fleeting] swords.

Battle Skills

Fiery Fame
Dragonbreath DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Flying Sword DMG +(60+5x)%

Earth Destroyer
After dealing CRIT DMG, next DMG +(25+4x)%

For every 20 [Bladework], CRIT DMG +(12+3x)%

My Shadow and Me
[Karmic Flame] increased +(50+10x)%

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Fiery Flame

  • DMG +30% and flight speed +20%.
  • 10% chance to [Burn] when dealing DMG.
  • When DMG Crit, inflict [Karmic Flame] for 6s, dealing 20% DMG per second, up to 5 stacks.

Blessing 3: Majestic Bladework

  • Gain 4 [Bladework] when DMG hits (CD: 0.1s).
  • For every 10 [Bladework],  attacks +2% CRIT and turning angle.
  • [Dragon Brew Hulu] spawns every 6s that gives 20 [Bladework], +12% CRIT, +24% CDMG for 6s when picked up.
  • For every 20 [Bladework], cause a explosion that does 120% DMG.

Blessing 4: Marvelous Rhymes

  • At 100 [Bladework], gains [Fleeting] and shoots flying swords dealing 70% DMG per second for 8s, prioritizing targets inflicted with [Karmic Flame].
  • Flying swords deal +2.5% DMG for every 12% CDMG on targets inflicted with [Karmic Flame].
  • During [Fleeting], for every 8 DMG dealt, summon 2 flying swords to attack enemies. After [Fleeting] expires, consume all [Bladework] and slash enemies that took damage from flying swords for 70% DMG.
1 After [Fleeting] expires, Aoyan gains a stack of [Sword Mark], up to 4 stacks. When dealing DMG, follow up with extra 160% DMG (CD: 0.6s)
2 [Karmic Flame] DMG +50% and duration +2s. Each stack of [Karmic Flame] makes target +3% DMG
3 [Fiery Fame] and [Exalted] Blessings +2 Level
4 [Dragon Brew Hulu] provides 35 [Bladework] instead. When the Hulu is picked up, deal +20% DMG and this buff duration is extended 9s.
5 [Earth Destroyer] and [Conflagration] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Flying Swords] and Ulti slashes +50% DMG
Ultimate Skill: Rainbow Swordplay (200SP)
20 Fire Slashes on random targets, each dealing 2600% DMG. Subsequent slashes on the same target is reduced by 90%. When using Aoyan, sword descends after slashes end and deal 2400% DMG over half the map.

1 Fire slashes +15% DMG
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Aoyan, Descending Sword DMG +20%
4 Fire slashes +15% DMG
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 +2 fire slashes. When using Aoyan, Descending Sword DMG +20%


Skadi is a melee burst type playstyle where you switch between dodge mode and burst mode. Her combo blessing syncs well with Aoyan making Aoyan even stronger. Skadi’s 4 is the one that allows it to reach S tier because when the Aura is fully charged, your damage gets +200%. Otherwise a clean Skadi does around same as Medea.

Battle Skills

Surging Lightning Ball  
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Flashing Thunderbolt  
[Lightning Aura] DMG +(30+5x)% on targets inflicted with [Electrocute]

Passionate Hunt  
Ulti DMG +(50+10x)%, recover 4 SP every second

Stealthy Sniper  
While in [Concealment] state, DMG +(20+5x)%. While in [Hunt] state, CRIT +(15+3x)%

Light-Seeking Arrow  
+20% chance to inflict [Electrocute], when inflicting elemental effects, deal (40+8x)% DMG

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: High-Voltage Field

  • DMG +30%.
  • [Lightning Aura] surrounds Skadi, deals 10% DMG up to 3 targets within the circle range every 0.3s.
  • blessings grant DMG bonus to the [Lightning Aura].

Blessing 3: Thunderous Pulse

  • 5% chance to [Electrocute] when dealing DMG.
  • When in [Concealment] state, each absorbed shot charges [Lightning Aura] by 5%.
  • When in [Hunt] state, this charging efficiency is reduced to 1% instead, but for every 1% charged, DMG +10% and AoE is increased.
  • For Bond Lv 1, [Lightning Aura] DMG interval reduces by 33%.
  • For Bond Lv 2, DMG +55%.
  • For Bond Lv 3, [Lightning Aura] DMG interval further reduces by 50%. For every 10% energy consumed, regenerate 1 .

Blessing 4: The Wild Hunt

  • Stays in [Concealment] state by default, Dodge +30%.
  • When [Lightning Aura] is 100% charged, Skadi changes to [Hunt] state after 1s, consuming 10% charge every second, [Lightning Aura] base DMG +100% and inflict [Hunter’s Mark] to targets hit within the aura.
  • [Lightning Aura] +50% CDMG to targets with [Hunter’s Mark].
  • When a target with [Hunter’s Mark] dies, Skadi recovers 4% SP and HP.
  • When [Hunt] expires, consume all [Hunter’s Mark] and recover SP based on the monster’s tier. (Minions = 8% SP, Elites and Bosses = 20%)
1 [Lightning Aura] +60% DMG while in [Hunt] state
2 [Lightning Aura] +28% DMG and AoE +20%
3 [Flashing Thunderbolt] and [Surging Lightning] Blessings +2 Level
4 Every 1% energy charged, [Lightning Aura] +2% DMG
5 [Stealthy Sniper] and [Passionate Hunt] Blessings +2 Level
6 When [Lightning Aura] CRIT on a target inflicted with [Hunter’s Mark], DMG +100%
Ultimate Skill: True Arrows (200SP)
Fire 8 Lightning Arrows in the shape of a fan, each dealing 1380% DMG. While using Skadi, charge [Lightning Aura] by 50%.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Skadi, restore 10% Max HP when Ulti used during [Concealment]. Ulti’s CRIT +20% when used during [Hunt]
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Fire 2 more Lightning Arrows. When using Skadi, restore 20% Max HP when Ulti used during [Concealment]. Ulti’s CRIT +40% when used during [Hunt]


The dragon maid from the collab anime. A strong fire that is not dependent on red shots. Tohru relies on ASPD and Bond Level. So it will have a slower start if you need time to collect cards for bond level.
Battle Skills

Dragon Tail Special  
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Professional Service  
DMG +(30+5x)% against a burnt target

 Chief Cuisine  
When using normal attack, fire a Power Orb at the highest threat target, deal (80+8x%) DMG every 1s.

Deep Cleaning  
[Passionate Flame] +(10+2x)% DMG, [Chaos Ball] +(25+4x)% DMG

Special Dragon Brew  
ASPD +(15+1.5x)% and breath flight speed +(20+2x)%

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Passionate Flame

  • DMG +30%.
  • 7.5% chance to [Burn] when dealing DMG.
  • [Burn] lasts 0.5s longer, [Burn] max stacks +2.
  • After firing the weapon for 1s, Tohru starts breathing [Passionate Flame] that does 40% DMG every 0.2s, this damage is split up to 4 targets with the AoE.
  • [Passionate Flame] stops when Tohru enters absorbtion mode.
  • For every 1% Additional DMG, Tohru gains 1.2% DMG for [Passionate Flame].
  • For every Bond level, [Passionate Flame]’s damage interval becomes 75% faster.

Blessing 3: Steady Progress

  • Tohru’s dragonbreath has 50% base DMG, but for every 0.5s of firing [Passionate Flame], breath firing speed +5% (up to 50%) until the next absorbtion.
  • After absorbing shots, Tohru deals deal additional 25% DMG.

Blessing 4: Child of Chaos

  • When [Passionate Flame] deals DMG, Tohru gains [Magic Mark] (CD: 0.5s), each stack boosting 8%   DMG (up to 10 stacks).
  • When firing [Passionate Flame], [Magic Mark] is consumed to fire [Chaos Orb] toward the target with the highest threat and dealing 25% DMG.
  • If target has [Burn], every 2 stacks of [Burn] heals Tohru 2% Max HP and deal +100% additional DMG for every Bond Level.
1 [Chaos Orb] base DMG +60%, the additional DMG trigger is requires 1 stack less to trigger.
2 [Passionate Flame] base DMG +25%. [Burn] lasts 0.75s longer instead, and max stacks of [Burn] increased to 3.
3 [Dragon Tail Special] and [Professional Service] Blessings +2 Level
4 The Additional DMG resulting after breathe absorption +50%, and gains 30% ASPD for 0.5x seconds where x = shots absorbed.
5 [Chief Cuisine] and [Deep Cleaning] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Magic Mark] can now stack up to 16 times, and when a stack is consumed, Tohru will gain 2% ASPD and 2% DMG for 6s (up to 16 stacks)
Ultimate Skill: 女仆大扫除 (200SP)
Fires a fire pillar that sweeps in front of Tohru, dealing 500% DMG, and thereafter blasts the highest threat target to deal 5000% DMG and its surrounding targets. When using Tohru, gain 10 stacks of [Magic Seal] and ASPD +25% for 6s.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using ulti, ASPD +25% for 6s
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Ulti DMG +10%. When using Tohru, gain ASPD +50% for 6s when using Ulti


The 2nd dragon maid from the collab anime. Kanna is the first to be a type. Because she is able to fire additional Lightning Balls, her reliance on red shots is lesser. Kanna’s DPS is consistent and doesn’t really have a way to burst.

Battle Skills

Real-time Charging  
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

After dealing Crit, +(2+0.4x)% Battle Skill Crit DMG for 2s, stacking up to 12 times. Duration refreshes upon stacking

 Follow Closely    
When DMG hits, 20% chance to inflict [Thunder Strike], dealing (40+10x)% DMG and causes target to receive+(35+6x)% CDMG for 6s.

Pre-school Prep    
[Lightning Strike] and [Lightning Mark]’s explosion +(40+8x)% DMG

Cute Disguise   
+(20+4x)% DMG and +(10+2x)% firing speed increases.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Taste Record

  • DMG +30%.
  • Breath’s seeking improved
  • When hits, inflict 2 stacks of [Lightning Mark]

Blessing 3: Precision Capture

  • 10% chance to [Electrocute] when dealing DMG
  • When firing the weapon, fire additional [Lightning Orb] that does 80% DMG every second, prioritizing targets with [Lightning Mark].
  • When [Lightning Orb] hits, consume 20% of [Lightning Mark] stacks on the target to cause an 50% AoE DMG per stack.
  • When a stack of [Thunder Mark] is removed this way, randomly strike another target with  DMG.
  • All  related blessings will +24% DMG to [Lightning Mark] and +12% DMG to [Lightning Orb].

Blessing 4: Dragon’s Roar

  • After 10 [Lightning Orb] hits, activate [Lightning Rampage] state for 6 seconds.
  • While in this state, [Lightning Orb] fires 50% faster and [Lightning Mark] consumption requirement -50% to trigger the AoE DMG.
  • After this state ends, for each stack of [Lightning Mark], deal 60% DMG.
1 Ulti +50% DMG, [Lightning Orb] AoE +20%.
2 +10% DMG increases and will inflict 3 stacks of [Lightning Mark]
3 [Real-time Charging] and [Grooming] +2 Level
4 [Lightning Rampage] +45% DMG and now requires 8 [Lightning Orb] to activate instead of 10 stacks.
5 [Follow Closely] and [Pre-school Prep] +2 Level
6 Target inflicted with [Lightning Mark] takes +1% CDMG for each stack. [Lightning Mark] and its triggered AoE explosions +100% DMG.

Ultimate Skill: That’s Wicked! (200SP)
Fires a slow-moving Lightning Orb forward for 4.5s, randomly striking the nearest target every 0.15s for 120% DMG. After 4.5s or 30 strikes, the electric ball explodes, dealing 2000% DMG to a large AoE. When using Kanna, inflict [Lightning Mark] on targets hit.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 Each strike reduces target -0.5% Resist for 2s
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Each strike reduces target -1% Resist


Battle Skills

DMG +(20+3.5x)%

[Purification] and [Sinful Cleanse] DMG +(25+?x)%

AoE +(20+?x)%, Explosion DMG +(80+?%)

DMG +(20+?x)%, can seek enemies better

When dealing DMG, the more HP the enemy has, the more Elem DMG dealt (up to 24+4x%). The lesser the enemy HP, the higher the CDMG (up to 20+2x%)

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Sacred Purge (神圣的肃清)

  • DMG +30%.
  • Shots absorbed convert to ⅙ of a wave that can be fired any time as a [Cleansing Scythe].
  • [Cleansing Scythe] will be fired from both sides of Melinda with larger AoE.
  • At the start of battle, augment 2 [Cleansing Scythe].

Blessing 3: Compassionate Vision (悲悯的审视)

  • 10% chance to [Gust] when dealing DMG.
  • [Gust] deals 60% DMG and inflicts [Exposed Soul] on the target for 4s instead of causing knockbacks.
  • Each stack of [Exposed Soul] reduces all Elem Resist by 5%.
  • [Gust Wind] will further strengthen DMG dealt by [Gust].

Blessing 4: Benevolent Purification (慈爱的净化)

  • When DMG hits, inflict [Purification] which deals additional 80% DMG (CD: 1s for each seperate target). If dealt to an elite or boss, inflict 1 [Sin] (CD: 0.05s) on them.
  • After 6s or when target has 15 [Sin], triggers [Sinful Cleanse] around a small area over the target, dealing 160% DMG for each stack of [Sin].

1 [Purification] and [Sinful Cleanse] base DMG +15%. After triggering [Sinful Cleanse], Melinda gains 2 stacks of [Purification Fervor] (up to 6 stacks). Anytime after absorbtion, if there are more than 4 [Purification Fervor], consume 1 stack to gain +20% DMG for that wave of  released.
2 Each shot absorbed provides ⅕ of a wave. [Cleansing Scythe] AoE +25%
3 [聆听抚慰] and [涤浊扬清] Blessings +2 Level
4 Each stack of [Exposed Soul] will reduce all Elem Resist by 10%. When [Cleansing Scythe] hits a target with [Exposed Soul], explosion DMG +100%
5 [虔诚祝福] and [济世巡礼] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Purification] and [Sinful Cleanse] base DMG +15%. After triggering [Sinful Cleanse], if target did not get hit, Melinda will additionally [Purifying Light] that deals 400% DMG.
Ultimate Skill: 制裁的圣光 (200SP)
Marks all enemies with [Heresy] which causes targets to receive +7.5% DMG, and take 600% DMG every second for 4.5s. If the target dies due to this DoT, it will explode to cause 600% DMG to nearby targets. After 4.5s, deal 3000% DMG to all remaining surviving targets inflicted with [Heresy]. When using Melinda, targets gain [Sin] twice as fast and take +15% DMG from [Purification].

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 ??
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 ??

Millenium Ember

For those new to , your charged bar charges when firing the weapon, and each time you release the tap, you fire one charge. 

Battle Skills

DMG +(20+3.5x)%

DMG +(30+5x)% against a burnt target

Everytime you charge up 1 bar, gain [Famous], +(3.8+0.8x)% DMG, up to 5 stacks.

[Fire Desire] DMG +(14+2.4x)%

Win Over
DMG +(19+3x)%, increases flight speed slightly.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Auspicious Kitsune

  • DMG +30%.
  • Augment 2 at the start of the battle.
  • Max number of charged shots +2 and shot penetration greatly increased.
  • 10% chance to [Burn] when dealing elemental DMG.
  • [Burn] lasts 3s longer.

Blessing 3: Many Faces

  • When DMG hits, randomly gain 2 – 4 [Hope].
  • When you have 10 [Hope], Millenium Ember enters a [Vixen’s Mask] state for 15s and starts playing a Miracle Tune that deals 600% DMG and [Burn] to the nearest 5 targets.
  • Hitting targets while [Vixen’s Mask] is active will inflict [Burn].
  • The next 5 will deal +165% DMG and inflict [Heartthrob] on targets.
  • [Vixen’s Mask] expires after 15s or when those powered up are fired.
  • During [Vixen’s Mask] state, when a shot hits, heal 0.6% HP.
  • Charge bar will charge at 50% speed when breathing in and 80% of the charge is refunded if they miss. If that shot is powered up, then a full charged shot is refunded instead.

Blessing 4: Jade Visage

  • When target has 3 or more [Heartthrob], it becomes [Fire Desire] which lasts 5s.
  • [Fire Desire] deals 94% DMG every 0.15s and when inflicted with [Charm] while [Fire Desire] is active, they take +30% DMG.
  • When inflicts [Burn] on a target, reduce 10% Resist for 10s, which refreshes each time it is inflicted.
1 [Vixen’s Mask] gives Crit +15% and CDMG +20%, and Miracle Tune does +100% DMG
2 [Fire Desire] restores 5 points of the charge bar every 0.5s
3 [Promote] and [Incite] Blessings +2 Level
4 When a hits a boss,  gain 5 [Hope]
5 [Befriend] and [Perform] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Fire Desire] can CRIT
Ultimate Skill: Brilliant Dance (200SP)
Deals 20 explosion hits on all targes on screen, each dealing 300% DMG. When using Millenium Ember, if a target is hit 7 times or more, gain [Charm] that boosts 20% DMG for 10s and gain 8 [Hope] .

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Ember, Ulti will deal 5 more explposions
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Ulti DMG +20%. When using Ember, Ulti will deal 5 more explosions


Porina’s combo blessings is essential for dragonforms as it makes runes appear almost twice as fast. On top of that, Porina’s self-healing (or blood sucking if you prefer) is very strong, making it one of the preferred forms in survival event battles or for those who are lazy to dodge.

Battle Skills

Noble Privilege
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Guess Etiquette
DMG +(30+5x)% on targets inflicted with [Venom]

Red Lantern Dance
When dealing CDMG, the next runes regenerates faster by (8+2x)%, CD: 3s

Commanding Aura
When under [Ancestor], DMG +(30+4x)%

Radiant Dazzling
When picking up a , creates an explosion at a random target for (70+10x)% DMG

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Lord’s Blessing

  • DMG +30%.
  • 10% chance to inflict [Venom] when dealing DMG .
  • Every 3s, generate a [Dark Night Spear] at a random location that stays on the field for 6s which slowly flies towards Porina.
  • When [Night Spear] is picked up, fires 3 spears at random enemies for 210% DMG.
  • All blessings are converted into [Night Spears].

Blessing 3: Contracted Servant

  • Porina gains 3 [Dark Night] every second.
  • For every 30 [Dark Night], [Dark Night Spear] will be strengthened.
    Stage 1 = [Dark Night Spear] explodes at the picked up location after a delay and deals 80% DMG nearby.
    Stage 2 = [Dark Night Spear] inflicts [Night Envelopment] for 6s on the target, each stack dealing 10% DMG per second and -2% Resist, up to 5 stacks.
    Stage 3 = -50% Base DMG of [Dark Night Spear], but shoots 2 spears instead. No. 856 appears at a random location every 12s for 8s. When Porina is near him, recovery rate of [Dark Night] triples. 

Blessing 4: Ancestor of the Night

  • When [Dark Night] reach 100 stacks, activate [Ancestor] for 12s.
  • [Dark Night Spear] runes will be attracted to Porina much faster.
  • When a rune is picked up, unleash a [Dark Night Claw] that does 120% DMG to that target.
  • Consume all of [Night Shades] after [Ancestor] expires, and for each rune picked up during [Ancestor], restore 8 [Dark Night] and recover 3% HP.
1 When [Ancestor], Crit +15% and CDMG +30%, and gain 4 more [Dark Night] when a rune is picked up.
2 [Dark Night Spear] +20% DMG and runes refresh 5% faster.
3 [Noble Privilege] and [Guest Etiquette] Blessings +2 Level
4 When near No. 856, +35% DMG and gain 20% DMG reduction.
5 [Red Lantern Dance] and [Commanding Aura] Blessings +2 Level
6 When under [Ancestor], Porina’s minions will continuously gnaw all targets on screen, dealing 10% DMG every second. Every 4 gnaws, trigger another [Dark Night Spear] to that target.
Ultimate Skill: Feast of Recklessness (200SP)
Summon a Dark Orb for 3.8s that causes 100% DMG to random targets and healing you for 0.3% HP every 0.1s. At the end of this duration, the orb explodes and deals 1200% DMG over a large area. When using Porina, when draining a target’s HP, recover 1 [Dark Night] and summons No. 856 after the ultimate skill explodes.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Porina, +40% DMG for 8s upon using Ultimate
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Healing effect doubles. When using Porina, +80% DMG for 8s upon using Ultimate


Aoshuang excels in environments in moderate or no shots. She is best used for those high-level Timed Trials and Guild Conquest that require ASPD or .

Battle Skills
Weapon DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Guarding the Underside  
[Chilling Frost] DMG +(100+17x)%

Limitless Snowfall  
After dealing 2 CRIT hits, gains [Cold] for 5s. Weapon deals additional (50+8x)% DMG within 5s.

Armament of Light
DMG +(25+4x)%

Void Imbibement  
Gain (6+1x) [White Dew] every 3s.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Arcane Understanding

  • DMG +30%.
  • 10% chance to [Freeze] when dealing DMG.
  • Upon inflicting [Freeze], inflict [Chilling Frost] that does 20% DMG per second for 10s (up to 5 stacks).
  • When a target dies, transfer half of the inflicted [Chilling Frost] to a nearby target.

Blessing 3: Welcoming Dew

  • Each shot converts to 5 [White Dew] instead of shooting dragonbreath after absorption.
  • When your normal attack hits, gain 3 [White Dew] (CD 0.1s) up to a max of 100 [White Dew]. Every 10 [White Dew] +3% ASPD.

Blessing 4: Chilling Dew

  • Upon inflicting [Freeze], fire an [Icicle] that does 120% DMG and penetrates 1 target (CD: 0.4s).
  • [Icicle] DMG increases for each Bond Level.
  • +6% CRIT, and +10% CDMG bonus per stack of [Chilling Frost] on the enemy.
  • After absorbing shots, if there are 10 or more [White Dew], convert in multiple of 10 stacks into an [Ice Crystal] that does 60% DMG.
  • At any time there is 100 [White Dew] convert all of it into [Ice Crystals].
1 Every 6 [White Dew] converts to 1 [Ice Crystal]
2 When [Icicles] and [Ice Crystals] CRIT, gain 45 [White Dew] (CD: 3s)
3 [Frostcutter] and [Guarding Underside] Blessings +2 Level
4 [Icicles] and [Ice Crystals] deal +20% DMG
5 [Limitless Snowsoul] and [Armament of Light] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Icicles] and [Ice Crystals] deal +90% CDMG
Ultimate Skill: Life in Duality (200SP)
Sends energy forward and deals 1872% DMG to targets on impact. If it explodes at the max distance travelled, deal 3744% DMG instead. Subsequently, activates Yin and Yang that does 780% to all targets within the AoE every second for 3s. When using Aoshuang, Ulti DMG +50%, damage interval 60% faster and inflicts [Chilling Frost]

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Aoshuang, Yin and Yang DMG +30% and inflicts [Chilling Frost]
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 After using Ulti, DMG +10% for 5s. When using Aoshuang, Yin and Yang DMG +30%


Medea requires strategic play where you don’t throw too many Poison Potions and end up waiting for them to regenerate. She is not as gear dependent on Crit and CDMG as [Venom] and [Erosion] are DoT that cannot Crit.

Battle Skills
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

[Erosion] DMG +(60+5x)%. When enemies inflicted with [Erosion] dies, (20+2x)% chance to inflict [Erosion] to random enemy.

For each generated, +(3.5+0.6x)% DMG for 5.5s (up to 6 stacks).

DMG +(25+4x)%

Poison potion rotates (25+5x)% faster and seek targets better.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Eroding Dawn

  • 10% chance to [Venom] when dealing DMG.
  • Start the battle with 9 Poison Potions that deal 130% explosion DMG on impact and inflict [Erosion].
  • Each stack of [Erosion] does 12% DMG per second, lasts 8s and up to 28 stacks.

Blessing 3: Dusk Fall

  • DMG +30%
  • All Blessings become Poison Potions instead but still deal its original elemental DMG.
  • When breathing in, throw Poison Potions at the enemy with the highest threat.
  • Refund 3 [Poison Vibe] for each potion not hitting a target.

Blessing 4: Witch’s Salvation

  • Medea can have up to 72 [Poison Vibe].
  • For every unused Poison Potion, gain 1 [Poison Vibe] every second.
  • Medea automatically consumes 6 [Poison Vibe] to regenerate each thrown Poison Potion every 0.5s.
  • Every 8s, Medea casts [Salvation] on a target with the most [Erosion], removing all its [Erosion] and for each stack of [Erosion] removed, deal 50% DMG and restoring 2 [Poison Vibe].
1 [Erosion] Base DMG +40% and duration +1s.
2 [Erosion] stacks up to 32 times. You start with 3 more [Poison Potion]
3 [Accumulate] and [Choice] Blessings +2 Level
4 [Poison Potion] now regenerate every 0.1s.
[Salvation] gives +40% DMG for 2.5s
5 [Carass] and [Agitate] Blessings +2 Level
6 You can have up to 128 [Poison Vibe].
Devouring [Erosion] gains 4 [Poison Vibe].
Ultimate Skill: Rebirth Furnace (200SP)
Summons a magic cauldron and throw 32 Potion orbs at random targets, each dealing 260% DMG. When using Medea, Potion orbs +8 and have 50% chance to inflict [Erosion]

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Medea, Potion orbs +8
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Potion orb AoE range +25%. When using Medea, Potion orbs +8


Ashe’s unique missile runes are very beginner friendly since they seek targets relatively well. She is mostly used in maps and guild conquests with low red shot.

Battle Skills

Rune Buff  
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Quick Freeze  
DMG +(30+5x)% when runes attacking targets with [Freeze]

Shattering Frost  
Every 12s, gain [Extreme Cold] for 6s, DMG +(35+5x)%

Arcane Ice  
+(2+0.5x)% CRIT DMG for each [Frigid] and +(24+6x)% CDMG for each [Key Fragment]

Eternal Ice  
Rune missiles seeking range increased by (15+5x)% and (25+5x)% chance to [Freeze]

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Blizzard Core

  • DMG +30%.
  • Nearby runes will be absorbed.
  • Runes will shoot missiles.
  • Start the battle with 4 augments of .

Blessing 3: Frost Nova

  • 10% chance to [Freeze] when dealing DMG.
  • Gain [Frigid] every second, dealing +5% DMG.
  • Consume 6 stacks of [Frigid] when available to convert into a [Key Fragment].

Blessing 4: Sublime Vault

  • After collecting 2 [Key Fragment], Ashe takes out a treasure Bow / Sword / Staff to attack and gain a buff.
  • Frost Bow: Deal 300% DMG to the highest threat single target. DMG +40% for 8s.
  • Frost Sword: Deal 200% DMG on targets in front area. CRIT +20% + 5% for each rune firing up to 40%, for 8s.
  • Frost Staff: Cast a blizzard and do 150% DMG to all enemies. Runes refresh 1% faster (up to 10%) for every 4 runes firing.

Each [Frigid] gives DMG +3%.
Each [Key Fragment] gives DMG +30% and  DMG +18%.

2 Treasure buffs duration +8s.
3 [Rune Buff] and [Quick Freeze] Blessings +2 Level
4 Combo missile runes fire one more missile.
5 [Shattering Frost] and [Arcane Ice] Blessings +2 Level
6 Treasures deal +200% DMG. Upon taking out a treasure, summon a powerful Frost Hammer to attack the highest threat target for 1500% DMG and 70% less to surrounding targets nearby.
Ultimate Skill: Squandering Ice (200SP)
Place 1 ice turret for 3.2s which shoots Ice Projectile at targets every 0.2s, each dealing 488% DMG. When using Ashe, summons 2 ice turrets that follow her around dealing +26% DMG and duration +0.8s.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Ashe, ice turrets duration +0.4s
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Ice Projectiles seek targets better and faster. When using Ashe, ice turrets duration +0.4s


Fafnir is one of the UR that you can get her core treasure from the regular wish pool using . There is also convenience of sharing gears with Aoyan because they are both of the same type. Usually used as a follow-up in Guild Conquest to attack the same target as Aoyan.
Battle Skills

Invincible Martial Art  
CRIT +(16+2x)%, CDMG +(32+4x)%

Restless Berserker  
DMG +(30+5x)% on targets inflicted with [Burn]

Endless Pursuit
DMG +(12+2x)%. When shots absorbed 8, DMG +(8+1.5x)% until next breathing in.

Undying Will  
DMG +(30+5x)% while in [Conflagration]

Ever-Lasting Blaze  
firing speed +(25+4x)% and +(10+2x)% chance to inflict [Burn].

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.
  • For every blessing you have, deal +5% DMG, up to 3 stacks.

Blessing 2: Everlasting Breath

  • DMG +30%.
  • 8% chance to [Burn].

Blessing 3: Combat Frenzy

  • Shots fired seek targets significantly better.
  • Each shot fired increases shooting speed +3% (up to 10 stacks) and is reset when you breathe in each time.

Blessing 4: Burning Fire

  • Once you spend 16 shots, activate [Conflagration] for +15% DMG for 5s (CD: 12s)
1 While [Conflagration] is active, CRIT +20% and extends [Conflagration] by 0.5s (up to 4s) when it lands a CRIT
2 While [Conflagration] is active, each breath is followed by 2 Wisps that deal 20% of the breath’s DMG.
3 [Invincible Martial Art] and [Restless Berserker] Blessings +2 Level
4 always inflict [Burn]. DMG +30% to targets with [Burn]
5 [Endless Pursuit] and [Undying Will] Blessings +2 Level
6 While in [Conflagration] shots cost 50% less, CDMG +30%, DMG +20%

Ultimate Skill: Fafnir’s Inhibitor (200SP)
Shoots 8 Scorching Fireballs that prioritize bosses and deal 932% DMG. When using Fafnir, +2 Scorching Fireballs.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Fafnir, +1 Scorching Fireball
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Scorching Fireball causes [Burn]. When using Fafnir, +1 Scorching Fireball


A slightly better to use than Dis. Most people get Cleo for the Combo Blessing and to boost Training EXP. There are better dragonforms to use in actual battles with many shots.

Battle Skills

Iron Fist Policy
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Threads of Order  
CDMG +(35+6.1x)%

Surrounding Worship
Deal +(30+4x)% Elem DMG on debuffed targets

Diligent Efforts
DMG +(25+4x)%

Dangerous Brink  
flies 15% faster and (6+0.8x)% chance to [Electrocute]. DMG has an additional (3+0.4x)% chance to [Electrocute].

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Royal Radiance

  • At the start of battle, add 2 augments of  .
  • DMG +100%.
  • Shots absorbed convert to ⅓ of a wave that can be fired any time.
  • When a full wave is charged, flight speed +15% and shooting speed +30%.

Blessing 3: Pharoah’s Revival

  • DMG +30%.
  • When dealing DMG, 10% chance to [Electrocute].
  • When DMG hits 7 times, activate [Reminiscence of Prosperity] state where   DMG +25% for 2s (CD: 5s).

Blessing 4: Royal Radiance

  • After firing all bombardment waves, fire [Tremor] at the end that does +10% DMG for each fully formed wave (up to 240%):
  • 1 = Level 1 [Tremor] 50% ATK
  • 2 – 8 = Level 2 [Tremor] 100% ATK
  • 9 – 23 = Level 3 [Tremor] 150% ATK
  • 24 or more = Level 4 [Tremor] 200% ATK
1 DMG +20% and further +1% for every 4% DMG Bonus (up to 10%).
2 [Tremor] fires twice consecutively, DMG +40%
3 [Iron Fist Policy] and [Threads of Order] Blessings +2 Level
4 CRIT +12%, [Tremor] CDMG +1.2% for each (up to 28.8%).
5 [Surrounding Worship] and [Diligent Efforts] Blessings +2 Level
6 Each now provides 14% [Tremor] DMG Bonus (max 336%)
Ultimate Skill: Restraining Retribution (200SP)
Covers the whole area with electric threads and calls down 16 Lightning Strikes, prioritizing highest threat targets, each dealing 443% AoE DMG. When using Cleo, +4 Lightning Strikes.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Cleo, Lightning Strikes +2
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Each Lightning Strike has 10% chance to inflict [Electrocute]. When using Cleo, Lightning Strikes +2


A collab dragon with the animation Nailong which literally means Milk Dragon. There are definitely better dragonforms for actual battles. Occasionally usable in guild conquest when bonuses match his type. Otherwise picked up for EXP boost.

Battle Skills

Frosty Breath
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Frosty Crush
Deal +(30+5x)% DMG to targets inflicted by [Freeze]

Frosty Suck
Absorbtion Efficiency +(20+3x)%, Firing Speed +25%

Frosty Freeze
Snowballs increase up to (20+4x)% CRIT and (40+8x)% CDMG as it flies.

Frosty Pursuit
Snowballs seek target better by (20+4x)%, bounce once at the edge of the screen.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Wavy Energy

  • DMG +30%.
  • Shots will convert to ⅓ of a wave which can be fired at any time.
  • Firing interval reduced by 25% and seeks target better by 40%.

Blessing 3: Element Rolling Ball

  • will shoot out [Snowballs].
  • Nailong starts the battle with 2 [Big Snowballs].
  • Snowballs grow in size (up to +50% DMG) over flight time.
  • If [Snowballs] hit after >0.3s of flight time, +20% DMG and +40% chance to [Freeze] for next 2.5s.

Blessing 4: Sugar Calabash Skewer

  • 10% chance to [Freeze] when dealing DMG.
  • After inflicting [Freeze], conjure an [Icy Sugar Calabash] (CD: 1s).
  • When Nailong has 12 [Icy Sugar Calabash], conjure an [Icy Sugar Calabash Skewer] and eat it to receive a buff DMG +30% for 8s.
  • Also shoots a [Super Giant Snowball] which does damage equal to all [Snowballs] blessings collected.
1 DMG +20% and further +3% DMG for each different element collected.
2 [Snowball] DMG Boost goes up to 100%. Flight time required stays the same.
3 [Frosty Breath] and [Frosty Crush] Blessings +2 Level
4 [Icy Sugar Calabash Skewer] needs one less [Icy Sugar Calabash] to conjure.  CRIT +20% and CDMG +40%.
5 [Frosty Suck] and [Frosty Freeze] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Icy Sugar Calabash Skewer] needs one less [Icy Sugar Calabash] to conjure and increases [Super Giant Snowball] total DMG +40% when conjuring.
Ultimate Skill: M1897 Cannon (200SP)
Summons two Ice Cannons and fire 12 shells at random targets, dealing 550% DMG each. When using Nailong, shoot 4 more shells.

1 Ulti DMG +12.5%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Nailong, shoot +2 shells.
4 Ulti DMG +12.5%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Ulti DMG +12.5% DMG. When using Nailong, shoot +2 shells.


The poster girl that might have attracted you to this game. She is kept also for her strong combo blessing “Miasma” that does DMG on debuffed enemies. Most dragons naturally deal 1 – 2 debuffs, and more when you offpick other elemental blessings.

Battle Skills

DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Spirit Feast
+10% chance to inflict [Venom]. Deal +(25+5x)% DMG to targets inflicted with [Venom]

Deal +(8+1.5x)% DMG for each debuff on the target, up to +(24+4.5x)% DMG.

DMG +(25+4x)%, Bombardment will knockback.

Secondary bombardment DMG +(80+13x)%.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.
  • For every blessing you have, deal +4% DMG, up to 4 stacks.

Blessing 2: Unspoken Word

  • DMG +30% and shoots 15% faster.
  • Waves split to 2 sides upon impact, which does 10% of the original DMG to secondary targets.

Blessing 3: Undivided Vision

  • Start the battle with 2 augments.
  • Shots will convert into ⅓ of a wave which can be fired at any time.

Blessing 4: Concealed Stand

  • When dealing DMG, 7.5% chance to inflict [Venom] and [Feeble], reducing their DEF by 5% for 1.5s.
1 DMG +35%.
2 [Feeble] makes target receive +20% DMG
3 [Agony] and [Spirit Feast] Blessings +2 Level
4 Enemies inflicted with [Feeble] receive +18% DMG
5 [Miasma] and [Decay] Blessings +2 Level
6 When there is only 1 boss, that boss receive +20% DMG.
Ultimate Skill: Dis’ Malice (200SP)
Fires 8 Helix Stings that seek and penetrate enemies, dealing 568% DMG each. When using Dis, Helix Stings +2.

1 Ulti DMG +17.5%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Dis, +1 Helix Sting.
4 Ulti DMG +17.5%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Helix Stings become 25% wider. When using Dis, +1 Helix Sting.


A wind feathered dragonform. It specializes in melee and shields more than offensive. She is picked up for her strong combo blessing “Wind Rider” that does up to 33% final DMG and can be easily sustain those stacks since Bond Lv 1 will trigger explosion hits.

Battle Skills
Follow Your Heart
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Traces of Nature
When inflicting [Gust], deal (50+8x)% DMG.

Wind Rider
For each explosion, +(1.8+0.3x)% DMG for 10s (up to 10 stacks).

DMG +(8+1x)%. While [Roaring] is active, DMG +(25+4x)%

Chasing Shadow
DMG +(10+1.7x)%. CD for [Roaring] reduced by (1+0.2x) seconds.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Sweeping Storm

  • DMG +30%.
  • 10% chance to [Gust] when dealing DMG.
  • However [Gust] deals 40% DMG instead of just causing knockback.
  • This damage can be increased by [Greater Gust].

Blessing 3: Cyclone Summoner

  • Shots absorbed are converted to instead of shooting breath that does 120% DMG explosion with 35% wider AoE.
  • Every 12s generate 2 (max 12 orbs).
  • When you collect other elemental , they become but continue to deal its original element DMG.

Blessing 4: Gust Barrier

  • Every 8 generated, activate [Roaring] for 3s, which makes your orbs spin very fast and DMG +45%.
  • Gain shield = 300% ATK for 8s (CD: 8s).
1 While [Roaring] is active, every 6 spent generates 1 more after [Roaring] expires.
2 While [Roaring] is active, DMG +40%, Shield +500% ATK
3 [Follow Your Heart] and [Traces of Nature] Blessings +2 Level
4   DMG +15%. While [Roaring] is active, when you take DMG for the first time, generate 4 explosions that inflict [Gust] and deal 125% DMG.
5 [Wind Rider] and [Sandstorm] Blessings +2 Level
6 Can have up to 24 , every 2 shots absorbed convert to 3 that deal 120% DMG.
Ultimate Skill: Aluma’s Rebellion (200SP)
Shoots 8 hurricanes that seek nearest target, each dealing 828% DMG and 50% chance to trigger [Gust]. When using Aluma, generate a storm around you dealing 331% DMG every 0.2s for 1s while shooting 8 hurricanes.

1 Hurricanes DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Aluma, Hurricanes +1
4 Hurricanes DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Hurricanes are 40% more likely to trigger [Gust]. When using Aluma, Hurricanes +1


Hot air lightning balloon inspiration. Though not very powerful in actual battle, but picked up for her combo blessing “Voltage Overload” to synergize with Skadi’s combo blessing and Echo 6 that helps SP charge Ultimates faster.

Battle Skills

Exhilarating Control
DMG +(20+3.5x)%

Eye of Thunder
DMG +(30+5x)% on targets inflicted with [Electrocute]

Voltage Overload
CDMG +(25+3x)%. After using ultimate skill, CRIT +(15+2x)% for 8s

Real-time Charging
DMG +(35+5x)% when [Surge] is active.

Pursuing Lightning
While [Surge] is active, runes deal (60+20x)% DMG after being picked up. Thor will also absorb nearby runes.

Blessing 1: Power of Origins

  • Weapon and breaths deal DMG.
  • More likely to roll blessings.

Blessing 2: Pulse of Recovery

  • Runes last 3 more seconds on the map and will trigger explosions of that element when picked up.
  • Start the battle with 2 augments.

Blessing 3: Wrathful Thunder

  • DMG +30%.
  • When using Ultimate, trigger [Thunder Call] which generates 2 runes on the field (CD: 20s).

Blessing 4: Circulating Surge

  • 10% chance to [Electrocute] when dealing DMG.
  • After using Ultimate, activate [Surge], increase DMG +15% for 6s (CD: 12s).
1 DMG +35%. [Thunder Caller] CD reduced to 16s.
2 [Surge] increases DMG +45% and Crit +15%.
3 [Exhilarating Control] and [Eye of Thunder] Blessings +2 Level
4 CDMG +30%
5 [Voltage Overload] and [Real-time Charging] Blessings +2 Level
6 [Thunder Caller] generates and CD reduced to 12s.
Ultimate Skill: Bom Bom Bom! (180SP)
Hammer Strike the greatest threat target 2 times, each dealing 2300% DMG. Then generate energy field on impact location, dealing AoE 161% DMG every 0.4s for 2s. When using Thor, this skill costs 150SP instead.

1 Ulti DMG +15%
2 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
3 When using Thor, Hammer Strike +10% DMG. Energy field deals DMG 25% faster and AoE range +20%.
4 Ulti DMG +15%
5 While in dragonforms, DMG +6%
6 Ulti DMG inflict [Electrocute]. When using Thor, Hammer Strike +10% DMG. Energy field deals DMG 25% faster and AoE range +20%.

Last Updated 10 Sep 2024.
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