Gear Level
and Forging

About Your Gears


Gear Level and Forge permanently stays even if you change loadouts or change dragonforms.

Gear Level

  • 7 types of gear to equip
  • Max Gear Level is Lv 240
  • Upgrades needs and always succeed
  • can be found mostly in Lost Battlefield Rifts.

There are stats on each gear, prioritize offensive stats such as ATK, Crit, CDMG, Penetration.

Forge Level

  • Boosts the main stat of the gear by percentage
  • Forge up to +9 using and gold
  • Success rate depends on the progress meter

can be found in Normal Shops ( or gold), Wish Shop and occassionally in Events.

Gear Mastery Bonuses

Gear Level Mastery

All pieces of gear +10 gear level (after Lv30) = +1 Level Mastery

Gear Forging Mastery

All pieces of gear +1 forge = +1 Gear Mastery

Getting the Perfect Gear

ST1 is the highest tier that can drop in Lost Battlefield Rifts.

(1) Basic Stats

Up to 2 stats on Weapon and 1 on gears. Offensive stats preferred:

  • Weapon: ATK + Crit / CDMG / Penetration
  • Gloves: ATK
  • Boots: Crit / ASPD
  • Necklace: Crit / CDMG

(2) Random Stats

Can have up to 4 random stats

  • All Gears: Crit / CDMG / ATK% / ATK
  • For Helmet: Elem DMG%

(3) Bonus / Exclusive Effects

  • Weapon: 15% Elem DMG
  • Armors: See Set Bonus instead

Note: Heirloom (Sparkling) gears will have 1 more exclusive effect!


Higher gear rating does not mean higher damage output because non-attack stats are counted towards this rating!

Last Updated 10 Sep 2024.
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