
What are Blessings?

Blessings are effect cards that you pick up from the rouguelike spin wheel when you level up in your battle.

Ultra Rare (UR) dragonforms have 5 blessings.
SSR dragonforms have 4, SR have 3 blessings.

There are 2 parts of how these blessings improve your damage output.

Bond Bonus
Each blessing card may have 1 element and/or 1 battle skill. Collecting them in battle increases Bond. In this example, Aoyan’s Fiery Fame counts as .

Blessing Effect
They can either boost damage and give utility.

For UR Dragonforms:

  • First 4 blessings can go up to Lv 6+2
  • The +2 comes from increasing of the dragonform
  • Combo blessings   can be equipped on other dragonforms
  • The last blessing can only go up to Lv 6

Combo Blessings

Compilation of all available Combo Blessings arranged in alphabetical order.
All x values represents the Blessing Level (max at 8).

Alexi Glorius Pursuit
Battle Skill DMG +(15+2.5x)% if target’s HP <50%
Aluma Wind Rider
With each explosion hit, +(1.8+0.3x)% DMG for 10s (up to 10 stacks).
Aoshuang   Limitless Snowfall
After 2 CRIT hits, gains [Cold] for 5s. Weapon deals additional (50+8x)% DMG within 5s.
Aoyan   Earth Destroyer
After dealing  CRIT DMG.
Next DMG +(25+4x)%
Ashe  Shattering Frost
Gain [Extreme Cold] every 12s for 6s, DMG +(35+5x)%.
Baldur Frontline Triumph
After dealing  DMG, +(1.5+0.2%) additional DMG for 6s and regenerate  (2+0.2x%) faster. Stack up to 10 times.
Baldur Inspiring Anthem
After inflicting any elemental effect, that element +(45+4x)% Elem DMG and Elem Effect DMG for 12s
Bale  Omnipotent Spice
Elem DMG +(8+1.5x)%
Cleo  Surrounding Worship
Deal +(30+4x)% Elem DMG on debuffed targets.
Dandelion  Power of Tempests
DMG +(12+2x)%
Dis Miasma
+(8+1.5x)% DMG for each debuff on target up to +(24+4.5x)% DMG
Fafnir Endless Pursuit
DMG +(12+2x)%. When shots absorbed ≥ 8, DMG +(8+1.5x)% until next breathing in.
Ladon Frost Armor
Ulti DMG +(40+7x)% when your HP < 70%.
Lyme Permeating Venom
DMG +(12+2x)%
Medea  Caress
For each  generated, +(3.5+0.6x)% DMG for 5.5s (up to 6 stacks).
Melinda Sincere Blessings
 AoE +(20+?x)%, Explosion DMG +(80+?%)
Mil. Ember   Befriend
Everytime you charge up 1 bar, gain [Famous], +(3.8+0.8x)% DMG, up to 5 stacks.
Nailong   Frosty Suck
Absorbtion Efficiency +(20+3x)%,
Firing Speed +25%.
Porina   Red Lantern Dance
When dealing CDMG, the next runes regenerate (8+2x)% faster, CD: 3s
Reid Poisoned Mind
+(10+2x)% DMG to Boss
Shockwing Electric Overdrive
+(16+2.5x)% Elem DMG on targets >50% HP
Skadi   Passionate Hunt
Ulti DMG +(50+10x)%
Recover 4 SP every second
Spiander Fireborn
Absorb Efficiency +(15+2.5x)%
Thor  Voltage Overload
CDMG +(25+3x)%. After using ulti, CRIT +(15+2.5x)% for 8s.
Tohru Chef’s Cooking
When dealing  DMG, fire additional energy balls.
Uwila  Power of Tempests
DMG +(12+2x)%

Upgrading Blessings

Origin stones, blessing materials are needed to upgrade blessings.

Origin Stones for Strength dragonforms
Origin Stones for Spirit dragonforms
Origin Stones for Wealth dragonforms
Origin Stones for Wisdom dragonforms

  • Blessing upgrades are 100% successful.
  • Each upgrade improves the blessing by the same amount.
  • Materials used are farmed from the Weekly Special Rifts.
  • You can also get materials from Guild Conquest rewards and events.

The final blessing upgrade requires a Dragon’s God Crown. This is sold in Guild Shop and can be obtained in events.

Last Updated 10 Sep 2024.
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